
RFID warehouse management technology will create efficient management in the manufacturing industry

source:    Release Time:2021-12-05 08:31:45   Article author:MCZN-RFID

RFID warehouse management technology will create efficient management in the manufacturing industry

  With the rapid economic development, the manufacturing industry is also facing the development of smart manufacturing with traditional technology turning to high-tech. Smart manufacturing will be a big helper in the industrial manufacturing field. Automatically identify and record all links of production and quickly monitor the production status in real time. RFID technology is very important for information collection in the manufacturing process, and will help the manufacturing industry realize real-time, transparent, and visual supply chain management. RFID warehouse management technology will create efficient management of the manufacturing industry.

  Data show that in 2017, the market size of China’s smart manufacturing industry was 1,515 billion yuan, with a growth rate of 22.6%, making it a huge market in the true sense. However, it is worth noting that the high work intensity and low degree of automation in the manufacturing industry have caused such enterprises to face huge cost pressures, and reducing costs and increasing efficiency has become a serious issue faced by these enterprises.

  According to the survey, warehousing is a vital link in the manufacturing industry. In the traditional operation model, this link will also put a lot of pressure on the cost of the enterprise. The competition in the industry is very fierce. The importance of reducing the cost of the storage link as much as possible is self-evident! So how to reduce the storage link What about the cost of storage? First of all, we must first understand what factors are causing the storage cost to remain high. When the company’s business development reaches a certain stage, the management problems become more prominent, especially when the business volume increases and the product line increases, the warehouse management problems become more obvious. For example, at the stage of product warehousing, due to the wide variety of products, the phenomenon of wrong packaging is prone to occur, and the quantity and type of products are also prone to confusion during warehousing acceptance. In order to avoid this situation, companies have to increase their investment in manpower. Over time, they will enter an unhealthy cycle mode-relying on more and more manpower, labor costs are getting higher and higher, and the company’s profitability is facing Serious challenge!

  From the above description, two important issues can be drawn. One is that there is a lot of work and error is easy, and the other is that the labor cost is high. So how can we effectively solve these two problems and achieve profitability? RFID warehouse management system may be able to help you solve these annoying problems.

  The RFID warehouse management system is developed according to the actual situation of the manufacturing industry and combined with advanced RFID technology, which can realize efficient and accurate order picking and rapid response. Compared with traditional manual management, this system can reduce a lot of manpower for picking, and can also improve the efficiency and accuracy of picking per capita. This also means that after manufacturing companies use this type of warehousing system, their labor costs will be greatly reduced. , And can maintain high efficiency and accuracy!

  In addition, the RFID warehouse management system can also combine big data analysis to help staff easily complete routine tasks such as automatic receipt, warehousing, handling, and sorting of parts or whole pallets, and can ensure the real-time accuracy of commodity inventory. , Which not only reduces the pressure of the staff, but also enables the managers to obtain strong data support for their decision-making. At present, RFID technology has been applied in many manufacturing companies, and has played an excellent role in actual use. It may become the driving force for the manufacturing industry to reduce costs and increase efficiency and promote the rapid development of the industry!

  RFID technology in the manufacturing field will greatly improve all aspects of enterprise production, and it will have more and more potential for application. RFID technology will start from the process of automated production control and raw material optimization to maintenance and technical service monitoring.

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